all postcodes in M40 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M40 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M40 8AA 1 1 53.494598 -2.20758
M40 8AB 9 0 53.494625 -2.207248
M40 8AD 3 3 53.493397 -2.204165
M40 8AE 20 0 53.495056 -2.206449
M40 8AF 21 0 53.495147 -2.206919
M40 8AG 1 1 53.495834 -2.209666
M40 8AS 51 0 53.500282 -2.210728
M40 8AW 4 4 53.495799 -2.207855
M40 8AZ 4 0 53.495545 -2.210343
M40 8BA 5 3 53.495482 -2.210734
M40 8BB 92 40 53.491586 -2.212765
M40 8BF 19 0 53.500097 -2.208511
M40 8BG 14 0 53.501778 -2.213329
M40 8BH 10 0 53.501641 -2.214459
M40 8BJ 4 0 53.499984 -2.215141
M40 8DA 14 0 53.493827 -2.211314
M40 8DD 14 0 53.494383 -2.21192
M40 8DE 62 0 53.494797 -2.211877
M40 8DG 6 0 53.49364 -2.210364
M40 8DS 10 0 53.494049 -2.212928